little (almost) graduate

It’s 1:15am and I’m just finishing up setting up some fun surprises for our little gal who happens to be GRADUATING from preschool tomorrow… or actually today I guess.  I remember being so sad when she started school and now I’m so sad that preschool is ending.  We really grew to love her teachers… they were the first non family people I ever left Presley with and they have come to be some of her most favorite people. Her little school will always hold a special place in my heart.  I keep reminding myself Walker will be headed to preschool soon enough so it’s just good bye for now.

I’m so glad I took a snap of Pres at the beginning of the school year and on her last day.  Crazy how much she has grown in a school year!

First day of school…


Last day of school…

Last Day Preschool 2016-2

We are so proud of this little girl and we are so excited for her new adventure in Kindergarten!

Did I mention Walker also turns 8 months old today.  That’s a lot for this Momma to handle in one day!

hey baby!

Anyone still out there?  It’s been waaaaay too long since I’ve sat down and written a blog post.  Life just kind of got away from me.  I’ve been unsure as to how to get back into it since so much has happened since my last post.  So I guess I’ll just jump back in and try to catch up a little :)

WE HAD A BABY!  Walker Hays was born September 25th and our little family has felt pretty perfect ever since.  Walker is seriously the sweetest little baby boy and watching Presley as a big sissy has really been the cherry on top.  She loves that boy so much.  SO MUCH.  He’s pretty much mugged by her every chance she gets.  Luckily, he loves it.

Oh hi!

I’m really going to try to be better about posting more regularly- try!  Pres and I have some fun Easter crafts and sweets up our sleeves so I’m hoping to share it all in the next couple weeks as well as how life has changed with two kiddos in the house now.  Thanks for reading if you’re still out there :)



sagebrush & heart

Sagebrush & Heart

After getting a nice big shove from my personal cheer squad I’ve finally opened up an Etsy shop to sell fun accessories for kiddos and some for grown ups too :)  I’ve been making hand stamped necklaces for a while now, and that’s turned into bracelets and headbands and who knows what else.  It’s been a great way to satisfy my crafting obsession :)

I don’t know why it seems so scary to put it all out there and actually try to sell some of the stuff but it is SO SCARY.   But here goes nothing!  Hopefully I’ll be able to figure out Etsy and get a few of the things that Pres and I have come up with listed in the next few days.  Presley decided she’s creative director and I’m her assistant :)  She would like her formal title to be “Pinkie Pie Rockstar Creative Director of Hearts”  Sounds pretty perfect :)

Sagebrush & Heart Bracelts for Mini's

We thought it would be fun to make some bracelets for Oregon fans since their getting ready to go to the big game!  You can find them here.

Sagebrush & Heart WTD Bracelet #oregonducks #ducksfootball

Sagebrush & Heart WTD Bracelet #oregonducks #ducksfootball

 Hopefully I’ll have some other items posted this week!



How is it already 2015!?!  Another busy holiday season down and now I’m trying to muster up the energy to put away the Christmas decorations :)  We had a low key NYE with friends as usual… this year it seems like the number of kiddos doubled… and today we spent most of the day in our pj’s just being lazy and watching football.

I never really do a New Year’s resolution but this year I’m going to try to drink more water.  We’ll see how that goes.  Presley has several resolutions with her top 3 being to love people, get lots of jobs and to help people not be sick :)

Hope everyone had a safe and fun NYE!